This toad is not dead we just rolled him on his back to get a photo! The kids cleaned the garden shed out on the holidays and he was inside. He would have to be the fattest toad we have ever seen!
I tried to put this Rid bottle beside him so you could get an idea of how big he was..............
Hello Kristy, I came across your blog while checking out the area where my friend Judy H and her husband Ray are going to be working. If I have found the right station would you mind saying hello to her for me. We have been friends for many years and don't get to see each other very often but we do like to keep in touch. I have left 2 messages on her mobile but I don't think she can get reception up there. Sounds like a wonderful place to live although I don't think I could cope with toads that big. Is he a cane toad. If you would care to leave a message on my blog I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks for the quick response Kristy. Judy has had an amazing life. She actually taught me how to cook when we moved to the country from the city when I was first married [quite a few years ago now]. She and Ray are great workers and can turn their hands to most things. I will certainly follow your blog. Have you always lived up in the NT. I would imagine it could be rather challenging at times. Thanks also for passing on my greetings to Judy.
Hello Kristy, I came across your blog while checking out the area where my friend Judy H and her husband Ray are going to be working. If I have found the right station would you mind saying hello to her for me. We have been friends for many years and don't get to see each other very often but we do like to keep in touch. I have left 2 messages on her mobile but I don't think she can get reception up there. Sounds like a wonderful place to live although I don't think I could cope with toads that big. Is he a cane toad. If you would care to leave a message on my blog I'd really appreciate it.
Many thanks Gail.
p.s. love the card
Thanks for the quick response Kristy. Judy has had an amazing life. She actually taught me how to cook when we moved to the country from the city when I was first married [quite a few years ago now]. She and Ray are great workers and can turn their hands to most things. I will certainly follow your blog. Have you always lived up in the NT. I would imagine it could be rather challenging at times. Thanks also for passing on my greetings to Judy.
Kindest regards,
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